Young Sheldon revolves around a child named Sheldon who is the brightest of his peers and family. His eidetic memory and arrogance interplay to create solutions and disputes in his relationships. This tv show is not specifically targeting any age but caters largely to young adults or teens. This show highlights the biasness of the education system, the complex dynamics of a family and the hurdles of a bright child through his life. The sitcom highlights different challenges of a family: shows how much effort mothers put in household work, how they place their families before themselves, how mothers are the fundamental structure without whom everything comes crashing down. This sitcom highlights issues that may seem small at hand such as the complexity of being a “Texan man”- the show elaborates how Sheldon has this built in patriotism inside him which leads him to defy from his normal theoretical responses to a completely different practical stance. This is the only show that captures the complexity of a sibling’s bond- it focuses on Missy (Sheldon’s twin) and George (elder brother) and how Sheldon’s interactions are different with either. Missy is shown as a very strong female character with set ideas and notions, who can see how Sheldon is always prioritised over her. We see this frustration constantly but we also see the parallel where she protects and guides Sheldon. The complexity of her character is what makes her so interesting, she has a very different bond with all her family relatives and it can be seen how her character interacts with them. She loves and adores her elder brother greatly, she is also the one who helps him process a great change in his life, while their family is criticising him. She takes a stand for her family always. She can also be seen as “daddy’s little princess” in the sense how her father always tries to make it up to her and have a good bond whereas her mother can be seen constantly asking her to be more like her. Her relationship with her Meemaw is the most adorable and highlights how children inspire to be like their grandparents and will eventually have role models with similar aspiring goals as themselves. Missy in my opinion is the perfect balance to Sheldon’s character and provides that buffer required to make this show successful.
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I always loved missy character. Her honesty and sassiness where ironic and very missy. She never failed to make a point and being in the show made it very fun to watch. It also helped to show that in the world of children like Sheldon, there are children like missy and George too. I definetly felt that through out the show she was neglected by her family as Sheldon got all the care, even in the episode she mentioned that Mom and Meemaw are a group, Dad and Geogie are a group and its just her alone. The character of her Meemaw really resembles that of missy which like you mentioned she really did inspire to be. I really think she should have been the main lead or given as much importance in the show as Sheldon did, it would have bought so much more character to the show and her being the lead just feels right. In your view, do you think they should have given her as main lead too, showcasing a normal and gifted child and not the gifted child only being the main lead? Dont you think it would have been much more relatable?
What an interesting take i was drawn in with the title because i never really throught of such an alternative prequel series in contrast to young sheldon seeing as the popularity of big-bang theory may seem limited to sheldon's representation but it wouldnt have been what it was if it weren't multi-dimensional characters such as missy, penny and even amy sorrounding him. I do definitely believe delving deeper into such side characters in the original series with another production is honestly one of the most amazing ways by which one can find a better understanding of the storylines. Missy is such a character that would have put forward a much more women point of view to the series, her confidence, intellect and steadfastness definetly made her worth remembering and what deserved further analysis. As you perfectly mention how she took on the role of being the entire family's manager at one point throughout the show how intertwined she had been fulfilling other's stories. Her inherenet nurturing behvaior featured throughout which is how sheldon finds his first friend in his sister through his complex relationship with people missy has successfullly played a large role in how sheldon became who he was.
I haven't seen the show, but I appreciate the intricacies involved in Missy's character that you discussed. I liked how you explored the different layers of her character, emphasizing that it's not simply black and white. The portrayal of Missy as a strong female character who navigates complex relationships and stands up for her siblings is commendable. However, do you think her character was developed gradually over the course of the show, or was she presented this way from the beginning?
I loved reading this as I completely agree with your stance. Missy's character is one of the most liked ones as it comes with different layers and complexities that are explored meticulosly. Her character, although the polar opposite of Sheldon shows how intelligence can be of various kinds and the emotional intelligence that she posseses is quite impressive even though she is never given enough credit for it. Her character is mostly neglected and the way in later seasons they have shown that affecting her and her reaction to it as a teenager is quite realistic. However, I do feel that in the last season that is all they showed in regards to her charcater, do you think that the creators should add more dimensions to the charcter in the upcoming season so that it does not seem monontonous and typical of other netflix seasons?