Like any other web series or dramas which are banned across Pakistan or is met with huge criticism just because they show women as a strong and an independent entity, Churails too received a similar response.
Churails was a web series which represented women in a very different manner which I believe wasn’t seen before in the Pakistani media. It was a story about four women coming together to help other women against their husbands who were cheating on them or for other reasons. It was entirely based on how women collectively worked together against the male dominated society.
It also showed another very important theme where young girls are emotionally blackmailed by their parents as well to get married at a very young age. This too is very common in our society and has been for a very long time. However, even if the media tries to pick up these sensitive topics and tries to raise awareness amongst the audience, it is met with high criticism and is often banned. This just shows how even if we try to take a step towards progress there’s always something letting it down.
I think Churails showed the side of society that very much exists in reality in Pakistan. Banning it was not just dissapointing but also was considered a loss; a loss for women and marginalised communities that this show meant to re-represent. In the country where hundreds of artists got together to create something that may spark conversation and open doors to new narratives, after banning it it felt like artistic freedom has been hindered because it is viewed as a moral danger by others.
The banning culture of Pakistan is highly problematic. The government tends to ban everything that is not 'normal' and they will decide what is normal or not. Apparently, everything that slightly deviate from the majority opinion is seemed abnormal and will be banned using different excuses like religion or culture. In my view, if we continue to follow this path we will not only destroy the fundamental right of freedom of expression, we will also eventually eradicate the diversity.
This is an excellent example of the intensification and exacerbation of censorship in Pakistan. The series was a depiction of the harsh realities of women in Pakistan, some even describe it as a game changer film in accordance with its feminist narrative. However, the Muslim-majority in Pakistan expressed their disapproval, especially rightist-religious groups who enforced the banning of this film. This sort of censorship which goes against the dominant hegemonic order, further expresses the concerns of only a particular narrative being broadcasted to conform and adhere to the hegemonic order, deviations such as churails are banned as they may negatively influence their active audience against the hegemonic order.
The creative freedom of Pakistan is curtailed by prohibiting such shows and films. The harsh truth of our world, the situation that virtually takes place every other day, was not allowed to be shown on television screens considered to pose a moral threat. Because oh God forbid, somebody mentions the topic of child marriages and rapes to our conservative awaam. The show “Churails” was designed to be a springboard for initiating a conversation on these issues and for demonstrating women empowerment in a society rife with glaring patriarchy
This also shows the control of some powerful people and families over our patriarchal media narrative and how any show that goes outside of that bubble is simply banned without any explanation or in the name of vulgarity. Furthermore, this hinders artistic freedom and bold shows and films found in other countries and mostly the reason other cinemas are praised.