PK is a Bollywood movie filmed in 2014, with Aamir Khan as its lead role. PK movie rightfully captures the idea of the Earth from the outsider’s perspective, who was an alien and visits Earth just to explore its people and its cultures. As soon as the Alien (Aamir Khan) lands on Earth, he got robbed and lost the only possession that he had—his remote, which was required to get back to his planet. But the thing that he realized on landing on Earth was that its people are quite different from his planet.
Things that stood out for me in this movie:
It rightfully took into account the differences in Humans, and we Humans have created things just to be distinguished by each other, whether these are the religions that pray to different gods, in different times at different places, and in their very own different styles but their purpose is the same that is to believe in a supernatural power that there is somewhere one or multiple Gods who can solve our problems, or the languages that are normally quite different from each other in their vocabularies and their dialects but their purpose is also the same that is to communicate your message to the other or the materialist things like the clothes which have its main purpose to cover the Human body, but we use different brands, different colors and different styles to differentiate among ourselves, we created the idea of which kind of clothes the women should wear and which kind of clothes a man should wear, even the color associations. We have associated some colored clothes with some religious activities, like Muslim wear black at the funeral, Hindus wear white at a funeral, and Christian wear white at their weddings. Moreover, in a single language, some words have different meanings which deviate from the tone and pitch variation. Like the word “Acha” has different meanings with different tones, it can be used for affirmation, for asking a question, or even for mocking someone. The same goes with the word “Kia”. Even the concept of Money and Currency is Human made that is used to define who is rich and who is not, although it is printed on a piece of paper with the picture of the ruler of the country on it, different colored notes represent different currencies, while the picture of the same ruler on any other paper has no value at all.

Theme of the Movie:
The theme of the movie was that although we are the same to our cores, we all have the same features, two legs, two shoulders, one face, and one body, which we all possess along with some mental abilities which we all deviate from each other. But we have created all these man-made differences to keep us different from each other and based on these things we divided ourselves into races, ethnicities, and social and economic backgrounds. Furthermore, we humans are using these things to manipulate other human beings in the movie there was a character “Tapaswai Jee” who claimed to know the future of people and had the ability to change their future if they do what he ask them to do, and who according to himself is a dear man to God and can call the God directly, while at the ending of the movie we came to know that he was nothing more than a false claimer who is using this thing of people insecurities and people’s miseries to be a source of earning, he just spots people miseries and used to claim to have a solution to them, but in actual circumstances, he didn’t have an answer to them.

This was an amazing review of the movie. This movie is a great blend of comedy, drama and emotion while also spreading an extremely important and brave message. What I believe is that if any movie gets a lot of criticism and backlash from conservatives then that movie is most likely to be good and spread an important message. PK was one of these movies. It tackles many sensitive topics in a very acceptable way and teaches us many important lessons such as tolerating others, inclusivity and how to not judge others.
Hello I love this blog post. I am definitely a true PK fan. This movie was extremely ahead of its time and it shows how humanity is above all. Where in this world everything revolves around people treating each other based on their religious values this movie taught us completely different thing. It taught us that people should not be judged based on their religious, cultural views but rather people are different and should be treated according to their human nature.
Really liked your insightful review. What intrigued me is the fact that the antagonist in PK is not your typical Bollywood villain but a godman who benefits from his followers' doubt. Right-wing organizations and Hindu nationalists started a campaign against PK when it attempted to use movies to develop a revisionist theory of "spiritual corruption." This movie served as yet another illustration of the evident persistence of intolerance and a lack of accommodation in what is referred to as "sensitive" subjects. Such antagonistic voices merely serve to reinforce social reality construction that is consistent with historical discussions of religion and religious symbolism in modern film. The suppression of art affects all kinds of expression, not just movies.
Hey Bushra!
Thanks for sharing.
PK is a fearless critique of religious bigotry but the film's message is of bitterness. This message can be critiqued and could have been portrayed in a better way I’d say given the space these Bollywood scripts get in terms of independence. It is instead cloaked in humanity and humor, which accentuates its impact no end. PK delivers an entertaining tale that touches upon the social and political ills that plague us. It's a very straightforward film that has very explicitly called out social issues and the humor is such that it does not undermine the importance of the points being raised. This was something new for me because most comedy shows try to undermine…
You should see these films because they will change the way you view the world, other people, and your own life. It is an excellent film that encourages us to care more about mankind than simply religion. Humanity must come first in our priorities since it is a religion in itself. It very skillfully illustrated that every religion is just a collection of laws that individuals interpret without disparaging anyone's particular religious views. Due to the inherent character of human beings, there will always be differences in religious views. The worst thing a person could do is think they are better than everyone else.
PK is an alien that arrived on Earth without knowing anything. He is like a little…