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The story you must know: He Named Me Malala

He Named Me Malala is a documentary directed by Davis Guggenheim revolving around the story of Malala Yousafzai who speaks for the rights of educations for females. Malala is a Nobel Peace Prize laureate who was shot by the taliban while going to school but miraculously survived. Since then she has worked for the education of females in Pakistan and has received a lot of international attention which led to Pakistan's situation being highlighted globally.

The documentary narrates her life story and her struggle to improve the conditions of education system in conflict ridden zones in Pakistan with Swat Valley being the main focus. I would high recommend this documentary since it gives you a visual insight about the current situation in conflict ridden zones and how some personalities are trying to work for the betterment of education sector there. It's truly an inspiring story!

"One child, one teacher, one book and one pen can change the world."

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May 06, 2021

Thank you so much for sharing this! There is something interesting I've heard Malala say, and that is the fact that she doesn't actually remember the incident itself. She doesn't remember what happened right before or after it. And I think about that a lot. I think about how if she were to remember it, would she live in greater fear and be too traumatized to continue fighting for the cause? Would she be able to continue fighting for her right to an education? It reminds me of a study on APS students and how they still have PTSD - and how that impacts their ability to learn and how effective their education is. One split second incident could've completely…

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