Tom and Jerry is an iconic American animated cartoon and series of short comedy films created in 1940 by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera. The series centers on the rivalry between the titular characters of a cat named Tom and a mouse named Jerry.
The rivalry between these two characters often results in violent acts which are supposed to be worth a good laugh. The video demonstrates the degree of violence depicted in the cartoon.
The violence present in Tom and Jerry is always associated with a joke or a silly situation, and it doesn’t represent a real intention of harm or malice. In that sense, the show is not violent, but funny. However, we cannot be sure because there might be a serious incident that might not have been reported yet.
A user on Quora quoted his experience with his 3-year-old little brother slamming the door on his face to see if he would stick to the door like in the cartoon Tom and Jerry.
Keep in mind that the Tom and Jerry series is tailored for young kids. It’s widely perceived to have an age rating of 8-13 years. However, Tom and Jerry received a PG rating from MPAA for cartoon violence, rude humor, and brief language.
Alternatively, it can be argued that the violence is presented in such a cartoonish way that it is quite apparent that it cannot be replicated. However, it also does in a manner, portray the idea that the consequences of such violent acts are humorous anf basically no big deal.
Tom and Jerry is an iconic American cartoon series, created in 1940 by William Hannah and Joseph Barbera. The series basically shows rivalry between Tom ,the cat and Jerry,the mouse in most hilarious ways. There are scenes of fights which sometimes have violent tinge and language issues,but all fights end in most hilarious and funny ways. This cartoon series also received PG rating from MPAA authorities. In my opinion, Tom and Jerry is created for audience between the ages of 3 to 8 yrs , and the children in this age group find those fight scenes hilarious and have a good laugh rather then inheriting hatred from them. Moreover, no age group is immune to the fun and laughter sprea…
I totally agree with you that such violent scenes encourage violence in kids. Sometimes kids try to attempt such stunts and it may result in serious injuries and accidents. You did a great job relating it to real life example. I can personally relate to this because such violent scenes also has a lot of negative effects on children's mind. I remember once I also got really terrified by some violent scene in this cartoon.