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Karachi-An orphan city

There is no ownership of Karachi — and no one cares for it.” -Supreme Court of Pakistan

The Federal Board of Revenue collects the highest amount of income tax from Karachi, however unfortunately the city of lights is now a city in crisis. Karachi, once Pakistan's prized gem, has endured exploitation, pilfering, deception, and isolation. Politicians boast about holding grand rallies in Karachi and are eager to secure votes and make lofty promises, but the pressing question remains: who has genuinely done anything for this city?

The city is plagued by multiple criminal groups, a high crime rate, significant pollution, frequent urban flooding, and a lack of even the most basic public services. The children of Karachi have grown up in the streets along with guns and have been exposed to violence and terror from an early age.

Karachi is the best example of failed governance. Now the question is who is responsible for Karachi's fate? The blame game is never-ending, with the federal government pointing fingers at the provincial government, the provincial government passing the blame to the local government, and the local government shifting responsibility back to the federal level. In this cycle of finger-pointing, the people of Karachi are left wondering where to turn and to whom they should voice their grievances. Karachi is torn between the pathetic provincial and federal jurisdictions and has been rendered a no-man’s land status. What Karachi urgently requires is a sense of ownership and the establishment of institutions capable of meeting the demands of its rapidly expanding population. It is also crucial that the city contributing the highest amount in taxes be given its fair share in return.

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