It has repeatedly appeared in many films produced in the Pakistani industry, where the portrayal of Pukhtoons and the Pukhtoon culture has been made unrealistically. Usually, secondary characters very frequently, one sees a character dressed up in shalwar kameez, and Peshawari topi usually speaks in Urdu with a Pushto accent, constantly using incorrect grammar. For some unknown reason, that happens to be the "comedy" found in the film, along with two other themes: the homosexual jokes and the different wrongful portrayal of Pukhtoons being angry and carrying weapons around. One of the examples could be how in "ye jawani phir nahi aani," one of the main characters' brother-in-law called him a "tight piece" in a creepy tone. It appears as if the director tried to show Pukhtoons as people with no morals or decency.
Furthermore, in the same movie, we see how the same characters' wife uses phrases such as "the gun is my law." Incorporating such scenes in the films usually makes the public have wrong connotations of culture they aren't a part of. With such a big industry and a vast audience, one expects better content and some creativity at the least.
This is a good topic that needs to be discussed in our society more. In addition to television other jokes about Pathans are also about them being dumb or angry about things. They are portrayed as highly emotional beings. Discussing this issue with my Pathan friends I realised how bad they felt about it especially when coming to Punjab they witness it even more often.
I endorse your viewpoint that this is a high time to let go of this insensitive ideology. Pakhtoon’s are portrayed as lame and dumb through our media. This has caused the society to judge anyone who is a Pakhtoon as a innocent, not so street smart and irrational individual. The ideology we don’t endorse is that Pakhtoon’s are one of the most hardworking, sincere, humble and pure people anyone can come across.
Media is supposed to portray the picture of society, but alas, we have witnessed that our media has been misusing certain aspects of our community and picturising it in a way to earn TRPs. The problem arises when such ‘jokes’ target a particular ethnic or language group, thus a sense of disunity and insecurity among the people. It’s high time that this needs to stop. The same goes for Afghanistani people that are being portrayed as “Taliban” in all Indian movies. Many of the jokes being circulated through messages do contain a “Pukhtoon” being portrayed as someone dumb and silly. This promotes unassertiveness and lack of confidence in the particular group.
Pushtoons are portrayed in our dramas and movies as a benighted section with guns and some doltish comedy. It's high time we start calling out and say no to such content where a certain section or cast of people is targeted and made fun of. Instead focus on showing the real and generous side of our Pushtoons who are the most hospitable and generous creatures with a welcoming heart and wide smile