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"Rasode mein kaun tha?" The narrow ideals of femininity in the classic portrayal of 'Gopi Bahu'

Indian television has long been a powerful medium that reflects and reinforces societal norms and values. "Sath Nibhana Sathiya" is a popular Indian television drama series that aired from 2010 to 2017. It was produced by Rashmi Sharma Telefilms and aired on Star Plus channel in India. The show gained significant popularity and became one of the longest-running and most successful series on Indian television.

The show follows the story of two cousins, Gopi and Rashi, who are married into the Modi family. The drama series revolves around their journey as they navigate through various family dynamics, relationships, and social issues. The show combines elements of drama, romance, and comedy, and often highlights social and cultural themes prevalent in Indian households. While the show may have captured the hearts of many viewers, it is crucial to critically examine the representation of women through a gendered lens. This article aims to shed light on the fragile and delicate portrayal of 'Gopi Bahu' and how it perpetuates conservative depictions of women in Indian households. The further complexities of other prominent female characters in the show are also touched upon.

Reinforcing Traditional Gender Roles:

Gopi Bahu is portrayed as a delicate and innocent woman, constantly facing hardships and relying on others for guidance and support. While it is essential to acknowledge the diversity of women's experiences, the overemphasis on Gopi Bahu's fragility diminishes the agency and resilience of women in real-life scenarios. By consistently portraying her as easily-manipulated and grieving in solitude, the show reinforces the notion that women need constant protection and cannot navigate life's challenges independently.

The portrayal of Gopi Bahu aligns with traditional gender roles prevalent in Indian households. She is depicted as a dutiful daughter-in-law, a submissive wife, and a devoted mother, often sacrificing her desires and ambitions for the sake of others. Such portrayals reinforce the societal expectations placed upon women to prioritize family over personal growth. This perpetuation of traditional gender roles hinders progress towards gender equality and restricts women's aspirations and opportunities.

Rashi: The Ambitious and Manipulative Daughter-in-Law:

The character of Rashi challenges the traditional image of a virtuous and submissive daughter-in-law. She is portrayed as ambitious, cunning, and manipulative, often using her wit to get what she wants. While Rashi's character adds a layer of complexity to the narrative, it is important to analyze how her portrayal may perpetuate stereotypes of women as conniving or opportunistic. It is essential to avoid reducing female characters to simplistic labels and explore their multidimensional aspects to foster a more nuanced understanding.

Kokila Modi: The Matriarch and Enforcer of Traditional Values:

Kokila Modi, the authoritative and dominant figure in the show, represents the traditional matriarchal role in Indian households. As the head of the family, she enforces strict adherence to traditional values and societal norms. While Kokila's character showcases strength and leadership, her unwavering commitment to conservatism limits progressive discussions and alternative viewpoints. It is important to recognize that matriarchal figures can play diverse roles and need not always adhere to strict traditionalism.

The Need for Progressive Representation:

Television serials have a significant influence on Indian households, shaping perceptions and attitudes towards gender roles. By glorifying the fragile and submissive portrayal of 'Gopi Bahu,' 'Sath Nibhana Saathiya' inadvertently perpetuates conservative beliefs about women's place in society. This can have a lasting impact on viewers, particularly those in more traditional households, reinforcing the idea that women should conform to prescribed gender norms, limiting their aspirations and potential. As viewers, we should encourage and support television shows that break away from these stereotypes, promoting a more inclusive and empowering portrayal of women that reflects the diversity and strength of real-life women in India.

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