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Sinf-e-Ahan - a wholesome depiction of female friendship and religious tolerance!


So, fun fact about me, I have completely lost the patience for Pakistani dramas that constantly focus on saas-bahu rivalry and husbands cheating on their wives. I’d rather bang my head against the wall, yet see another mindless, just for TRP depiction of women as the most evil living creatures on the planet who joyously celebrate in torturing each other. Unfortunately, that is also what sells massively in Pakistan and a crying woman is bound to garner more audience attention and praise than a happy one.

Hence, when Sinf-e-Ahan came around it was refreshing to see women in tough situations, being each other’s unwavering support, working through their problems and most importantly, demonstrating tolerance and acceptance for each other. One particular female bond that stood out to me throughout the drama was between Syeda Sidra Batool, played by Dananeer Mobeen, famously known as the “pawri ho rahi hai!” girl and Arzoo Daniel played by the versatile Syra Yousuf.

The main reason for much of the attention these two characters receive is a) brilliant acting by the debutante, Mobeen and of course the veteran Yousuf. However, a more important reason is that they play characters that come from vastly different religious backgrounds. Where Syeda Sidra Batool comes from a very religious and conservative Muslim family, Arzoo Daniel belongs to the Pakistani Christian community. As the play progresses, starting from their first interaction, we see there is an effort being made to depict a natural tolerance and acceptance for each other, regardless of their religious background, a quality Pakistanis severely lack in.

There are instances where Syeda Sidra is praying for her own success in the cadet training and doesnt hesitate even for a moment to make the same wazeefa, as she calls it, for Arzoo. Another is where Arzoo is praying, with her hands woven in supplication, clearly in contrast to how Sidra does. Sidra very politely questions her about it and not with the intention to ridicule, but just out of curiosity. When Arzoo tells her that she’s praying Sidra says something along the lines of we have the same God, and not in a manner that falls under serious religious discourse, as one can tell it is two freinds conversing. This respect and tolerance shown towards the Christian community is admirable and a beautiful message to take away from the drama.

Moreover, the bond between the two slowly grows over the course of the play, resulting in a very natural and genuine relationship that does not seem forced or fake at all. While Sidra provides comic relief throughout, with her bubbly, happy go-lucky character and silly missteps, one learns to love her for cutting the tension. On the other hand, Arzoo is focused on achieving her goals, being the best in everything she does, and is a reliable shoulder to lean on for other characters, including Sidra. Overall, the female dynamic where women are helping each other and working past their differences is a welcome and long awaited breath of fresh air for the Pakistani audience as well as the drama industry.

Lastly, towards the end of the drama, when the lady cadets are graduating from PMA, we see the pleasant interaction between both girls’ families. There is laughter at making it through one of the most tough phases of their training, and sadness at leaving each other, and yet again we see a beautiful depiction of female comraderie that we crave for in Pakisani media.

In conclusion, I think choosing these characters in a play like Sinf-e-Ahan was a conscious and much needed decision. To demonstrate such friendships on TV for the masses means to be able to influence millions of minds. From young girls to older women and even males who watched the drama it serves as a lesson, that women are really as strong as steel and can do anything they set their mind to while maintaining healthy friendships. And very skillfully, using the characters of Sidra and Arzoo the message for tolerance and acceptance is imparted without making it sound like a religious sermon that most people would turn heads from. Media has the power to influence opinions and inculcate values within us, and having shown these themes on screen is an excellent effort at changing people’s perspectives regarding religious differences and how they shoud not hinder friendships or add to the us vs. them narrative that has overtime strengthened its roots in Pakistan.

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Great blog Maryam, I really enjoyed watching Sinf e Ahan and another stereotype it challenged that I loved was Sheheryar Munawar's character marrying his friends widow and adopting their daughter and loving her like his own. This practice is very discouraged in our so-called culture and a widow is seen as extremely lucky if an unmarried man decides to marry her. A widow is often said to live her life alone or marry a very elderly man just for a safe 'chat (roof)'. She is not expected to live her life once again. This drama shows her life changing for good and a very refreshing start for her after a trauma that she went through. I think these practices should…

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Definitely agree there! It was beautiful to watch that as well as the fact that the wife struggles to find her footing in the marriage and navigates her emotions like a strong, mature person would! It was very realistic in that sense.


M Sheraz
Aug 07, 2022

A very inspiring story especially for women as it comes with the message of pursuing their dreams. A very divergent script, distinct from the mainstream Pakistani dramas portraying a very oppressive or antagonist representation of women in society. We need more shows like these promoting women empowerment. Adding some positive messages for the society.

Very inclusive of different classes of society in Pakistan is what makes this drama compulsive viewing . Brilliant to see Christian families and Sri Lankan families included in the drama at last and I’m a Muslim . Just so so fantastic story writers to reflect reality in Pakistan. Good drama and nice story but can’t beat Eh de Wafa.

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Hey Sheraz, thank you for your comment!

While I agree with most of what you said, I'd love to know why you think Ehd e Wafa was better? Just generally curious, since that drama had slight problematic depictions in my opinion.


Areej Tauheed
Aug 06, 2022

By exhibiting the enthusiasm, dignity, professionalism, and commitment to duty that are the hallmarks of the Pakistan Army, it upholds its honourable status. Additionally, it demonstrates the respect and honour the Pakistan Army accords to overseas officers from other nations, projecting the fact that the Pakistan Army is not only utterly professional in its service to the nation, but also one of the kindest and most welcoming institutions in the entire world.This is clearly evident in the way that a Sri Lankan Lady Cadet is heartily welcomed and treated as one of their own, a role that was very readily accepted not only by the Sri Lankan actress who played it, but also the willingness of the Sri Lankan nation…

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Hey, thank you for your comment!

Yes, the addition of the Sri Lankan cadet adds a refreshing element to the drama since we haven't seen that before in our plays. And I was glad to see that it wasn't only a surface level character, rather her life story and why she chose to join the army were explained in enough detail.

Completely agree with your second point about men not being able to see women become more successful than them. I think that was an accurate representation given his emotional manipulation and eventually blackmailing her.

About your last point, I don't have much information about the training and selection process at PMA, I don't belong to an army family or…


Sabeeh - 24020369
Sabeeh - 24020369
Aug 05, 2022

Great blog Maryam! Really like how you kept the tone conversational which made the blog very fun to read.

My first impression of Sinf-e-Ahan was that it would be just another promotional campaign drama for the army. But I'm surprised to hear that the drama actually highlighted such a wholesome bond between the female characters, especially coming from a patriarchal industry. But not only that, I loved to read that the drama actually went on to show inter-faith harmony and friendship between the two characters. I might actually watch the drama now when I find time.

Just one question though, were there any odd undertones in the drama? Since you've written that the friendship didn't seem forced and was so…

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Hello, thank you for taking out the time to appreciate my blog, I'm so glad it might have convinced you to watch the play, you'll definitely enjoy it!

So I watched the drama a few months ago and don't remember there being any awkwardness or weird undertones to their friendship. I might have to watch it again and with a more critical eye to point out any flaws in that sense, but I don't think there were any. Sidra's character was literally a ball of energy and that worked in her favor because she was able to break the ice with other people very easily and smoothly. Arzoo also comes to care for her, for her innocence and genuine intentions…


Hello Maryam! I highly appreciate your perspective on Pakistani dramas, yeah, I also noticed that they frequently feature problematic topics.

And I've never relished the topics like, rivalry between sisters, friends, and love affairs in college. But when I watched this drama with strong female characters, I do agree with your point.

Even when Ahd-e-wafa drama was revealed, they had also demonstrated the superiority of the male while keeping the female in a conservative style. However, this show does present a variety of viewpoints.

The girls living the same difficult life while coming from various religions, cultures, and linguistic backgrounds. And it's admirable how they're handling problems and figuring out how to find solutions on their own because this is…

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Hey, yes great point made. The play in general was an amazing depiction of female empowerment and friendships! I was SO HAPPY seeing Arzoo fighting off those men and teaching them a solid lesson once and for all. And you raise an excellent point about how the women's unique backgrounds helped them accomplish great things in their training including overcoming their fears. Another example was Sajal Ali's characters who was once shown to be scared of a rat so much so that her army officer brother had to call the forces thinking it was a robber. Later, we see her conquering her fear of heights through the training and especially when she paraglides in the mountains. Those are beautiful scenes,…

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