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Single National Curriculum or Single National Ignorance

Uniform curriculum seems to be a popular concept but it has been adopted on the basis of political slogans or political necessity instead of wisdom and insight. Two questions are of fundamental importance. The first question is why the need for a uniform curriculum was felt and the second question is what is the government's policy to achieve this goal? The answer to both questions is troubling.

Mr. Prime Minister believes that our education system is creating class divisions in the country and by making the curriculum uniform, this division will end. The reason for the class division in the country is the unfair distribution of resources rather than the education system. This distribution of resources has made society in such a state that more than 20 million children are not able to go to school. what good can be done with a uniform curriculum without addressing this terrible economic aspect?

Class divisions are partly related to education, but the real issue is environmental differences. In the new arrangement, even if you oblige the madrassas to read a few more books, this difference between the school and the madrassa environment will remain as it is. Similarly, the difference between a normal school and Aitchison cannot be ended with just four books.

The curriculum that is prevalent in our country in many places reveals the intellectual poverty of its compilers. It is, of course, a different matter what the problems are in our curriculum and how serious they are, but If a 'uniform curriculum' is to be formulated by these same experts, it will only lead to the promotion of uniform ignorance.

The government should do as much as possible to ensure that some commonalities are taught in every institution to some extent. Instead of a uniform curriculum, the government should focus on ensuring a "minimum" standard that we must educate our children to that extent.

Designing and Implementing a new curriculum and a new education system is a long process and it is possible through evolution, not revolution. Evolution, however, takes time and our political needs want to revolutionize very quickly. This combination of haste and superficiality has also decimated many of the steps that were taken in good faith.

I pray that the curriculum does not become an exercise of political gain, otherwise the “Single National Curriculum” will become a metaphor for the “Single National Ignorance.”

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