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Aqsa Manzoor 24090082

THE KARDASHIANS: A means of women empowerment or reducing women to their bodies.

Aqsa Manzoor

With two billionaires and four multi-millionaire women, a combined following of 979.5 million on Instagram alone, and multiple business ventures of each sister, The Kardashians(America's unofficial royal family) are unarguably one of the most significant cultural phenomena in today's age of social media. Being famous for being famous is an art well versed by the Kardashians, a skill that has earned them an immense influence.

And one of the ways in which this fame has manifested itself is the rise in plastic surgery; This rise in plastic surgery is so influenced by the Kardashians that there is a whole cultural term for it, "The Kardashian Aesthetic". Post-2013, after Kim Kardashian's rise to prominence, there has been a 51% increase in breast augmentations, buttock augmentations, buttock lifts, and tummy tucks compared to other cosmetic surgeries. Results show a 20% increase in cosmetic surgical procedures performed. Results also show as Kim Kardashian's celebrity interest rises by 1%, the consumption of Kardashian and Minaj-style cosmetic surgeries increases by 2%.

On the one hand, this family has revolutionized the entertainment industry, and the matriarchy that exists in the family has broken so many societal norms, but since their brand is almost entirely based on their bodies, it has set such unrealistic standards of beauty and desirability for women across the globe; standards that continue to make women around the world insecure about their natural bodies.

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They just recently had a very critical interview when they were asked about the unrealistic beauty standards they have a role in creating, they all rolled their eyes and began whining and saying things like "uhh no, we WORK for our bodies! we like looking good"

no recognition of the fact that the privilege to pay for surgeries, eat expensive organic food, have home gyms, trainers etc all help them achieve their aesthetics.


Sara Arif
Sara Arif

It's funny and also upsetting how recently Khloe made a video talking about how her pictures are not photoshopped and at the same time she was furious that an un-edited picture of hers was leaked by the Paparazzi! It's a shame that power and influence lies in the hands of such people who are teaching young people that you need to have a specific body type to reach far.

Aqsa Manzoor 24090082

I completely agree with that. And all of this is so messed up because women like Khloe have the resources to hire personal trainers, nutritionists, stylists, make up artists, photographers and what not; but still she feels insecure when she and her family is the one setting up these unrealistic standards of beauty in the first place.



It’s so sad to see women following one body type and features etc. Also in a recent interview of the reunion episode the reporter asked the same question that do you think you influence people to change their body types by setting unrealistic body type standards. Kim answered “ No, I don't. Because I think we get up, we do the work, we work out." When in reality their bodies are a product of repeated cosmetic surgery. It’s sad to see that.

Aqsa Manzoor 24090082

Another aspect of this problematic thought process is that they have never admitted to getting plastic surgeries and continue to present the false narrative that they have unrealistic bodies simply because they work out and eat healthy when the truth is that they have all gotten so many plastic surgeries that they do not even resemble the old version of themselves especially Khloe.


Taneer Jannat

It was amazing to see how the Kardashians embodied body altering cosmetic procedures to live in a body they are most comfortable in but at the same time, like you said, it does influence young girls especially who feel like they have to look a certain way to be viewed as attractive and spend more than they can afford :(

Aqsa Manzoor 24090082

The main problem with the family in my opinion too is not that they've gotten plastic surgery it's that they present a narrative that they got these bodies naturally because they workout and eat healthy food. Putting enormous amount of pressure on other women.

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