A very interesting read! Reading this made me wonder what the line between taking inspiration and plagirising really is. Being inspired by media products, as is apparent with intertextual refernces, adds weight to narratives and enables the audience to instantly relate more to them. However, often times, media creators tend to wholly plagirise plot line, lyrics, concepts and more. I enjoy watching movies which are remakes of movies made in other countries and cultures - gives me an opportunity to compare. However, I feel like remaking movies without adding any cultural refences and not approriating them to the your own culture really defeats the purpose. Netflix India recently recreated the popular Spanish teen show "Elite." The Indian version, "Class," fails to actually approriate itself to the Indian culture because the characters feel like an exact copy of their Spanish versions and their personas become hard to believe. Eventhough, such productions claim to be recreations and not plagrisims, they feel wholly ridiculous because they lack in any kind orininality and creativity.